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Caribbean & Latin America #changebrazil
Price: USD4.8
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165 PAGES - TEXT & PHOTOGRAPHSWHY THIS BOOK?Author and journalist J.N. PAQUET moved to Brazil in January 2011, after living in the UK for ten years. He wrote this book to complete his blog about the biggest country of South America, with stories, culture, food, traditions, habits… With the 2013 protests, he felt it was necessary to explain to the world what Brazil really is, thinking that Brazil deserved more than the stereotypes the country is usually associated with: football, beach, samba, naked women at the carnival…In this book, J.N. PAQUET explains he deeply believes Brazil has the potential to become one of the most important countries in the world, i.e. if its people and its leaders want to make things happen. The author also mentions the situation prior and during the protests in Brazil, in June 2013. He explains what the “20 cents demand” and the other demands of the demonstrators were all about, why some extremist congressmen believe “gay cures” are the solution to homosexuality and how bright the future could now be for Brazil.With #changebrazil, J.N. PAQUET has written an honest piece of work and tried to be as objective as possible. The book is a great insight into what Brazil is like and should help anyone thinking about moving to Brazil, planning to spend their next holidays in Brazil, or simply willing to broaden their knowledge of certainly the most fascinating country in South America.#changebrazilOther products from Rakuten Kobo U.S