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Introduction to Journaling
Category : Creative Writing

Introduction to Journaling

Price: USD0.00

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If you've ever wanted to try journaling, this course will provide answers to your every question. You?ll discover the different types of journaling (including dream journaling), and sample a buffet of journaling techniques, exercises, tools, and resources. We?ll cover everything you need to know about journaling, including a seven-step process that will ease you into writing a journal, even if you've never journaled before. You'll get detailed instructions on developing, decorating, and customizing your journal, and you'll learn exciting new ways to express yourself and develop your creativity. You'll find out how you can use your journal to explore your thoughts, feelings, and values, and you'll learn how to use your journal to support you as you develop true emotional well-being. You'll also understand how journaling can ease the stress of unwanted change throughout the course of your life. You'll even discover how journaling can help you choose the best career for you or advance in your current career.

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