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Handling Medical Emergencies
Category : EMS and Firefighters

Handling Medical Emergencies

Price: USD0.00

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What would you do if a member of your family suffered a medical emergency? You could certainly call for trained emergency medical responders, but what would you do while you're waiting for them to arrive? Every second counts during a medical emergency. Recognizing the early signs and symptoms of common medical conditions and providing appropriate treatment can mean a better outcome for the patient. Early recognition and intervention can greatly reduce the seriousness of the illness, which means a shorter hospital stay and lower medical costs. It's also very satisfying to know how to help someone in a time of need.This course will identify common medical emergencies affecting children and adults, help you recognize signs and symptoms, and teach you how to render appropriate emergency care. For adults, you will learn how to recognize and manage chest pain, heart attack, stroke, diabetic problems, seizures, breathing difficulty, burns, and allergic reactions. For children, you will also learn about poisoning, fever, childhood illnesses, injuries from accidents, and the signs of abuse.

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