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 7-Keto DHEA Metabolite 120 VCAPS
Category : 7-Keto

7-Keto DHEA Metabolite 120 VCAPS

Price: USD69.99

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7 Keto (a trade name for 3-acetyl-7oxo dehydroepiandrosterone or 7-oxo-DHEA) is a substance found naturally in the body and is primarily produced by the adrenal glands. 7 Keto is metabolized from DHEA and similar to DHEA 7 Keto levels have been known to decline with advancing age. However unlike DHEA 7 Keto does not convert to Estrogen or Testosterone. This lack of conversion with 7 Keto may be beneficial since overproduction of these two hormones can lead to unwanted side effects.

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