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 French Roast Herbal Coffee Tea Bags
Category : Coffee

French Roast Herbal Coffee Tea Bags

Price: 4.14

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Intense deep coffee notes from roasted ramon nuts create a robust focused body (Formerly known as Maya Caffé) Teeccino Tee-bags make brewing Teeccino easy and convenient at home or on the go!Each Tee-bag contains 6g of Teeccino. Regular tea bags only hold 1 - 2g. Teeccino Tee-bags have more than 3 times the product as regular tea bags to create a full-bodied brew.The exact same Teeccino grounds are in the Tee-bags as in our 11 oz bags. Tee-bags are simply Teeccino in a filter bag.Each Tee-bag is individually wrapped in an envelope to seal in flavor and make it easy to transport wherever you go.Unbleached tea bag filter paper100% recycled carton: 50% post consumer material

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