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 Super Strength Colostrum
Category : Colostrum

Super Strength Colostrum

Price: 14.97

Buy It from HerbsPro

The Natural Immune Booster!. . Contains Powerful Natural Antibodies! Powerful Year-Round Immune Support! Helps Burn Fat and Increase Vitality!. . Colostrum is the pre-breast milk found in all female mammals near the end of pregnancy. Colostrum production increases significantly just before a mother gives birth and then stops altogether 2-3 days after birth when regular breast milk finally begins secreting from the mammary glands. During those first days of life colostrum plays a vital role in the survival of the new born. Through the years it was discovered that bovine (cow) colostrum is very similar to human colostrum and could be used by humans as an immune system booster.. .

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