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Category : Skin Care Supplements


Price: 19.89

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Futurebiotics AcneAdvance including Praventin LinumLife and Zinc help improve the look of skin by helping to balance hormone levels and by reducing redness and inflammation associated with a poor complexion.LinumLife Complex provides lignans from Flax a well-recognized group of phytoestrogens with estrogenic and anti-estrogenic action which may help in the treatment of acne. Produced through a proprietary process LinumLife Complex is concentrated and provides between 10 to 30 times more lignans than whole flax or other flax ingredients.AcneAdvance is further enhanced with select herbs and nutrients. A recent study using an ''inflammatory score'' showed the effectiveness of Zinc Gluconate on acne while Chromium has been reported to improve acne by supporting glucose tolerance. Burdock Yellow Dock and Red Clover act as natural internal cleansers to help remove toxins. Centellin a standardized extract of Gotu Kola helps increase blood circulation to the skin's surface and provides cleansing and healing actions. Whole unextracted Gotu Kola is included to provide natural plant co-factors.

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