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 Thyrox T-3
Category : Thyroid Support

Thyrox T-3

Price: 17.96

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THYROX T-3 is an all natural pharmaceutical grade nutritional supplement from Absolute Nutrition. It is specially formulated to burn fat fast. The active ingredients in THYROX T-3 increase the rate of conversion of T-4 the low activity hormone to T-3 the high activity hormone. This causes an increase in basal metabolic rate or BMR which are the number of calories one burns at rest. This is accomplished without the use of stimulants but with drug-like potency.. The main ingredient Gum Guggul Extract delivers a powerful 300 mg of guggulsterones per dosage. Studies have shown guggulsterones to have thyroid stimulating activity whereby there is an increase in the conversion of T-4 to T-3. Subjects showed not only a decrease in body fat but lower cholesterol and blood triglyceride levels as well.. THYROX T-3 also contains phosphates which are found in high-energy compounds such as ATP and phosphocreatine. Thyroid activity is directly related to the amount of energy one possesses thus it is important to ingest ample amounts of phosphates daily. Studies have shown that phosphates can relieve a decrease in T-3 and increase the BMR. Furthermore phosphates have a positive effect on creatine storage buffering lactic acid and increasing ATP.. L-Tyrosine an amino acid found in THYROX T-3 is used by the thyroid gland for the production of Thyroxine a vital hormone involved in regulating growth metabolism skin health and mental state. In fact low levels of L-Tyrosine have been associated with hypothyroidism and will trigger a deficiency of the hormone norephinephrine at a specific brain location which will result in depression and mood disorders . . .

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