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 Total Soy Vanilla
Category : Energy Drink

Total Soy Vanilla

Price: 10.51

Buy It from HerbsPro

Naturade Total Soy can help you reduce cholesterol. Over 40 clinical studies on Soy Protein and cholesterol reduction led the Food & Drug Administration to declare that 25 grams of Soy Protein daily in a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol may reduce the risk of heart disease. Just one delicious 8 oz. shake of Naturade Total Soy supplies more than half of the suggested amount to fight Americas #1 killer of both men and women.Naturade Total Soy can help you lose weight. Being overweight may be a special concern if youre trying to reduce cholesterol. Each delicious shake provides balanced nutrition and is low in fat and cholesterol with only 140 calories per serving so you can replace one or two meals and cut 500 to 1000 calories a day without feeling hungry.

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