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 Red Bee Propolis
Category : Bee Products

Red Bee Propolis

Price: 53.3

Buy It from HerbsPro

It's not a coincidence that propolis means (pro= before) + (polis=city). An amazing substance that is strategically placed by honeybees before their hives to serve as the defender of the hive. As a consequence the beehive is one of the most sterile environments known by man even at high degrees of temperature and humidity. That's why millennia civilizations have relied on bee propolis to support their health.* You have now access to the first Brazilian Red Bee Propolis- only product ever to be introduced to the USA. Highly appreciated by Asians with a stunning 3540 mol TE/g ORAC result this exotic and pure gift from the beehives is one of nature's most powerful antioxidants even higher than the super-fruits.* Our co-founder Mr. Alessandro Esteves is the pioneer who discovered the Brazilian Red Bee Propolis in its botanical origin (Dalbergia ecastophyllum L). In today's cutting edge science circles numerous research papers have been published on the health benefits of this ruby of the hive.

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