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 Gamma E Tocopherol with Sesame Lignans
Category : E Vitamins

Gamma E Tocopherol with Sesame Lignans

Price: 24

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According to the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences alpha tocopherol (regular vitamin E) displaces critically important gamma tocopherol in the cells. While alpha tocopherol inhibits free radical production gamma tocopherol is required to trap and neutralize existing free radicals.Prestigious scientific journals have highlighted gamma tocopherol as one of the most critically important forms of vitamin E for those seeking optimal health benefits. In fact studies show the combination of alpha- and gamma-tocopherol supplementation appears to be superior to either supplementation alone on biomarkers of oxidative stress and on inflammatory factors.Most commercial vitamin E supplements contain little if any gamma tocopherol. They instead rely on alpha tocopherol as the primary ingredient. However it is gamma tocopherol (not the alpha form) that quenches peroxynitrite the free radical that plays a major role in the development of age-related decline.

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