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 Clear Base Vitamin E
Category : E Vitamins

Clear Base Vitamin E

Price: 9.57

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Each easy-to-swallow softgel contains 400iu (International Units) of pure vitamin E in the form of d-alpha tocopheryl acetate derived and isolated from 100% natural sources. Clear Base is the purest form of vitamin E available free from any impurities or residues. It is well tolerated by those with sensitivities to soya products. Vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin and antioxidant that protects cell membranes and prevents free radical damage supporting the cardiovascular system and general health.* Vitamin EGÇÖs ability to protect cell membranes is important for people in polluted environments and those with active lifestyles. Experts recommend daily supplementation of vitamin E as it is difficult to get enough through diet alone.

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