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 Aloe Vera Juice Whole Leaf
Category : Aloe

Aloe Vera Juice Whole Leaf

Price: 6.62

Buy It from HerbsPro

Lily of the Desert brand products contain the maximum level of naturally occurring aloepolysaccharides vitamins minerals enzymes and amino acids assuring that our customers receive the purest freshest aloe while also retaining the maximum efficacy. Contains 99.7% Certified Organic Aloe Juice. (No water added). Aloe Purity and Content Certified by IASC**. High in Naturally Occurring Aloepolysaccharides. Exceeds all IASC Standards. Purely Refreshing. Lily of the Desert uses a state-of-the-art processing method to effectively remove the aloin and aloe emodin the bitter constituents in aloe to provide purely refreshing pleasing aloe vera products.

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