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 Arginine Caps
Category : Heart / Cardiovascular Support

Arginine Caps

Price: 19.88

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L-arginine is a semi-essential amino acid involved in numerous areas of human biochemistry including ammonia detoxification hormone secretion and immune modulation. Arginine is also well known as a precursor to nitric oxide (NO) a key component of endothelial-derived relaxing factor an endogenous messenger molecule involved in a variety of endothelium-dependent physiological effects in the cardiovascular system.L-ornithine is a metabolite of arginine in the body formed as a byproduct of the action of the arginase enzyme on arginine. L-arginine is required for the body to synthesize nitric oxide which enables the arterial system to retain its youthful elasticity. Nitric oxide also helps to produce endothelial relaxation factor which is needed by the arterial system to expand and contract with each heartbeat.L-arginine may also help stimulate the immune system.

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