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 Vitamin C with Dihydroquercetin
Category : C Vitamins

Vitamin C with Dihydroquercetin

Price: 19.13

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Vitamin C as ascorbic acid is a water-soluble substance found in citrus fruits and green vegetables. It is an important antioxidant that protects the body from free radicals and fights oxidative stressboth of which threaten the immune system. In fact a major immune-supporting activity of vitamin C is boosting glutathione levels in human lymphocytescells that make up about 25% of all white cells in the blood. Scientists have determined that the body needs high levels of vitamin C during periods of stress.Because humans do not manufacture vitamin C internally it must be obtained through dietary sources or supplements. Few people realize however that vitamin C is a water-soluble nutrient that is quickly oxidized and excreted by the bodywhich limits its efficacy. Until now those seeking to capture vitamin Cs optimal health benefits have had no choice but to consume it several times throughout the day.Fortunately a flavonoid antioxidant known as dihydroquercetin functions as a vitamin C supercharger. Studies demonstrate that dihydroquercetin acts to inhibit the oxidation of vitamin C thereby helping maintain its concentration and recycle vitamin C throughout the body.This synergistic relationship between dihydroquercetin and vitamin C greatly enhances the efficacy of both molecules in the bodys organs and tissues. Vitamin C with Dihydroquercetin was formulated for those seeking to obtain optimal efficacy and antioxidant protection from a vitamin C supplement.

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