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 Advacal Ultra 1000
Category : Calcium

Advacal Ultra 1000

Price: 48.96

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AdvaCAL Ultra Fast Release is new to the United States but it has been available for some years in Japan under the name AAACa where it is recommended by Dr. Takuo Fujita President of the Osteoporosis Foundation of Japan and founder of the Calcium Research Institute.Challenging the commonly held notion that Osteoporosis is a womans problem related to changing hormone levels Dr. Fujita observed that men too suffer from this debilitating condition. Recognizing this he set out to find a solution that relied not on manipulating hormones but on helping your body break down and use calcium more efficiently. And he did it. In one study with women whose average age was 82 — the age at which bones are often so weak they break spontaneously — AdvaCAL Ultra Fast Release not only halted bone loss it produced increases in bone mineral density.Everybody knows calcium is essential for strong teeth and bones. But not everyone realizes that calcium is vital for other body systems as well. Your body uses calcium to help maintain a steady heartbeat and promote normal nervous system function. Thats why you need 1000 to 2000 milligrams of calcium every day. And if your diet does not supply that much your body taps its emergency supply — the calcium thats stored in your bones

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