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 Response Cream
Category : Other Sexual Health Products

Response Cream

Price: 18.7

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Emerita Response Cream Emerita Response Creamª is a topical cream formulated to support normal female sexual arousal. The arousal phase of female sexual response is characterized by increased blood flow to the clitoris and vagina causing swelling and heightened sensation in the clitoris along with vaginal lubrication. Research has demonstrated that nitric oxide produced by the body promotes blood vessel dilation in the female genital tissues. Emerita Response Cream is a topical formulation that supports this arousal phase with herbs and amino acids that support nitric oxide production and hormone balance.. . This new product was created in response to evidence that as many as 43 percent of American women may suffer from some form of sexual dysfunction. Media attention to the development of Viagra¨ broke the silence regarding male erectile dysfunction. This publicity highlighted the lack of understanding and the scarcity of effective products that support healthy sexual function in women.. . The following natural ingredients are used in Emerita Response Cream:. . L-Arginine an amino acid that the body uses to make nitric oxide the substance that relaxes blood vessels and allows them to dilate. Recent reports support the use of l-arginine to promote increased blood flow to the clitoris.. Ginseng which contains constituents known as ginsenosides that have been shown to enhance nitric oxide formation and release in blood vessels promoting increased blood flow in genital tissues.. Ginger Extract known for its warming effect and its ability to increase local blood flow when applied to the skin as well as in the genital tissues.. Niacin also known as vitamin B3 known for its ability to promote blood vessel dilation.. L-Menthol a compound derived from mint oils which promotes blood vessel dilation. It also is stimulating and has been shown to promote the absorption of other topical ingredients..

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