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 Jarro-Dophilus + FOS
Category : Acidophilus/Probiotics

Jarro-Dophilus + FOS

Price: 29.37

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Probiotic bacteria in Jarro-Dophilus + FOS are selected from the two genera Lactobacillus and Bifidobacteria. Jarro-Dophilus + FOS survives stomach acid and colonizes the intestines. Bidobacteria longum BB536 (morinaga strain) has been shown to colonize stimulate immune response and suppress intestinal putrefactive bacteria.Lactobacillus rhamnosus R0011 is a unique high producer of polysaccharides that facilitate colonization and stimulate intestinal immune response. Lactobacillus acidophilus R0052 assists in breaking down lactose (milk sugar) which may improve digestion of dairy products by those individuals who are lactose intolerant.FOS are natural carbohydrates that can stimulate the growth and replication of beneficial bacteria.

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