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 Trim-Maxx Diet Tea
Category : Teas

Trim-Maxx Diet Tea

Price: 6.55

Buy It from HerbsPro

Trim-Maxx Tea Original contains a blend of herbs to aid weight reduction by facilitating cleansing of toxins and waste material while energizing the body. Trim-Maxx Tea Original is a Premier Oriental Herbal Dieter's Tea For Men & Women. A premier oriental herbal dieter's tea for men and women. Hints for Good Health: 1. Eat natural fruits vegetables and whole grains. 2. Decrease high calorie foods sugar fats and salt content. 3. Exercise regularly. 4. Drink Trim-Maxx everyday. 5. Include some fiber into your diet. Reminder: The increased bowel movements during the first week after drinking Trim-Maxx is a natural cleansing action resulting in the body releasing excess toxins and unwanted gas pockets.

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