Admcity Networking & Communications Search

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Category : Networking & Communications

Price: USD19.99

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The internet is vast and can be an inhospitable place for organizations and individuals trying to make their mark. To stand out in the crowd, you need to learn how to be creative online and get your various profiles on different websites working in tandem to promote your brand and your business. gives vital advice on how to manage your online image using tools such as LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube to your best advantage. It shows how you can stay connected to the things that matter (via RSS feeds, news feeds, netvibes, etc) and includes essential tips on using online networking to find a better job, recruit staff or identify new people to work with. Illustrated by fascinating international case studies from businesses and individuals such as Richard Sambrook, former Director of BBC World Service and Global News, Nancy William of Tiger Two, Gill Carrick of executive search firm Odgers Berndtson and Dulce Merritt of Barbican Consulting, this book tells you all you need to know to improve your visibility online and ensure a high ranking on search engines. With illuminating examples of how an online image can go wrong, and invaluable advice on how to put it right, will help you to get control, get noticed and get the results you want from your online profile.

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