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Machinima For Dummies
Category : Entertainment & Games

Machinima For Dummies

Price: USD18.59

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This book shows how the reader can, at little or no expense, make virtually any movie using Machinima. We take the reader from making their first Machinima movie to a grounding in both conventional filmmaking and Machinima technology that will let them tackle very complex film projects.The book will focus on the following Machinima platforms:The Sims 2: Arguably the most popular Machinima platform of all time, The Sims 2 allows you to tell stories ranging from romance to noir action.World Of Warcraft: Tell your own tales of heroism in the world of Azeroth, following in the footsteps of award-winning Machinima creators and even the makers of South Park.Medieval 2: Total War - This astonishing new game allows you to create Lord of the Rings-scale medieval battle films using just a home computer!MovieStorm: For the first time, unleash the power of Machinima as a professional user using a fully-featured, fully-licensed commercial Machinima platform.The book will contain introductions to all aspects of Machinima production, from live filming in a game through the creation of sets, props and characters, as well as the basics of cinematography, storytelling and sound design.

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