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Fields of Air
Category : Aviation

Fields of Air

Price: USD3.99

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This is a fascinating recreation of the triumphs, tragedies, mysteries and dramas of civil aviation in southern Africa, from actual transcripts and recorded evidence. These are stories as much about the people as their machines -- and the perversities of the weather, human and mechanical error, and plain old bad luck.The critics said:"...a book of such high standard that it is a pleasure to review." - Raymond Travers, Aero Africa"A book all aviation buffs should acquire." - The Pretoria News."A thoroughly researched chronicle of flight and more particularly the men and women involved in civil aviation, it is also, with its novelistic style, a page-turner." - Namib Times."...he (the author) has compiled an eminently readable book -- a remarkable accomplishment when dealing with something so enthralling book." -- Robert Kirby, Financial Mail."...the writer's enthusiasm for his subject is infectious." Will Bernard, Radio South Africa.

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