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Flight 111
Category : Aviation

Flight 111

Price: USD9.99

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"Swissair 1-1-1 is declaring Pan Pan Pan. We have smoke in the cockpit." Seventeen minutes after the co-pilot's distress call, the Geneva-bound jet crashed into the Atlantic off Peggy's Cove, Nova Scotia just over an hour after leaving New York on September 2, 1998, killing all 229 people on board. Acclaimed journalist Stephen Kimber tells the moving story of the crash and its far-reaching human consequences. Kimber introduces us to a wide variety of people: from the victims and their families to the recovery teams, reporters, pathologists and investigators who searched desperately for answers. In a fast-paced and compelling style, Flight 111 traces the interconnected paths of the people whose fates were forever altered by what happened that night. Says the Ottawa Citizen: "Deftly recreates the events leading up to the crash, along with the aftermath, and puts a much-needed human face on the incident." This new edition includes an afterword with updated information from the investigation.

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