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Power of Polygamy
Category : Other Practices

Power of Polygamy

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There are many Polygamist cults in North America with different doctrines, and only one overriding belief in common which is to marry very young girls to very old men and throw away the young men. Young men who are competing for wives of their own. Education is only to 6th grade and for girls it is optional. Depraved behavior, incest and suffering is a way of life, so is lack of food and housing. The States of Utah and Arizona pay about 18 million dollars a year to support the extra wives and children who are considered unmarried mothers and bastard children. Cruelty abounds and so does danger for anyone who speaks up about these groups. After the first edition of this book, Dr. Western had to sell her house and take out her home phone because of death threats. She bravely hid in the truck of a polygamist woman who was visiting her sister and recorded the lives of women which are both shocking and heart-breaking. This book is a must-read for anyone who really wants to know what goes on in cults in our nation.

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