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 Start Right: Build Your Own Business
Category : Entrepreneurship & Small Business

Start Right: Build Your Own Business

Price: USD0.99

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You can start or buy a business and live your dream. All the information you need to get started is in this step-by-step book. Small-business owner and expert Jeannine Lecy draws from more than 20 years of real-life experience to help you start your business and avoid many common pitfalls along the way. Start Right: Build Your Own Business includes questions to guide you through writing a business plan, and sample financial documents to help you understand your business finances. You’ll learn how to set up and organize your office and files, how to begin marketing your business, and much more. Start Right also devotes a chapter to budgeting and credit so you’ll be in good financial shape when you’re ready to take out a business loan. By educating yourself about starting a business and believing in your abilities and your dream, you are more likely to be one of the people whose dream of a business becomes reality.

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