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National Aeronautics Research and Development Plan and Development, Test and Evaluation (RDT&E) Infrastructure Plan - Air Traffic, Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS), NAS, Hypersonic Flight, Safety
Category : Aviation

National Aeronautics Research and Development Plan and Development, Test and Evaluation (RDT&E) Infrastructure Plan - Air Traffic, Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS), NAS, Hypersonic Flight, Safety

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To meet the aviation needs of our Nation now and in the future, the Federal government must continue to advance U.S. technological leadership in aeronautics by fostering a vibrant and dynamic aeronautics community that includes government, industry, and academia. A strong national program of research and development (R&D) for aeronautics technology forms the foundation of the U.S. aeronautics and aviation enterprise. Aeronautics R&D is critical for national security and homeland defense, an efficient national air transportation system, and the economic well-being and quality of life of our citizens.This National Aeronautics Research and Development Plan (Plan) lays out high-priority national aeronautics R&D challenges, goals, and supporting objectives to guide the conduct of U.S. aeronautics R&D activities through 2020 as called for by Executive Order 13419 (National Aeronautics R&D), which established the National Aeronautics R&D Policy.Research and Development Plan Contents: Organizational Progress * Intra-Agency Research * Interagency and Collaborative Research * Mobility Through the Air Is Vital to Economic Stability, Growth, and Security as a Nation * Introduction * State of the Art * Fundamental Mobility Challenges to Overcome * Mobility R&D Goals and Objectives * Goal 1?Develop Reduced Aircraft Separation in Trajectory- and Performance-Based Operations * Goal 2?Develop Increased NAS Capacity by Managing NAS Resources and Air Traffic Flow Contingencies * Goal 3?Reduce the Adverse Impacts of Weather on Air Traffic Management Decisions * Goal 4?Maximize Arrivals and Departures at Airports and in Metroplex Areas * Goal 5?Develop Expanded Manned and Unmanned Aircraft System Capabilities to Take Advantage of Increased Air Transportation System Performance * Aviation Is Vital to National Security and Homeland Defense * Introduction * State of the Art * Fundamental Technical Challenges to Overcome * National Security and Homeland Defense R&D Goals and Objectives * Go

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