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Excel Formulas Revealed: Master Statistical Formulas in Microsoft Excel
Category : Application Software

Excel Formulas Revealed: Master Statistical Formulas in Microsoft Excel

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From the author of ?The Excel Answer Book? comes the fastest and easiest method to Master the Most Useful Statistical Formulas in Microsoft ExcelLet's face it. Using Microsoft Excel as glorified typewriter isn't it's intented purpose.To make Excel a truly useful tool you need to learn how to master it's functions.I will explain to you IN PLAIN ENGLISH with ILLUSTRATIONS exactly how to use Excel's most useful Statistical formulas.Knowing these formulas will increase the usefuleness of this amazing tool... Tenfold!!Become an Excel Guru !!Ok, let's attack the Statistical functions in Excel.We?ll go over the following:? Min? Max? Large? Small? Rank? Average? Median? Mode? Count? CountA? Countblank

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