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Excel Formulas Revealed: Master Date & Time Formulas in Microsoft Excel
Category : Application Software

Excel Formulas Revealed: Master Date & Time Formulas in Microsoft Excel

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From the author of ?The Excel Answer Book? comes the fastest and easiest method to Master the Most Useful Date & Time Formulas in Microsoft ExcelLet's face it. Using Microsoft Excel as glorified typewriter isn't it's intented purpose.To make Excel a truly useful tool you need to learn how to master it's functions.I will explain to you IN PLAIN ENGLISH with ILLUSTRATIONS exactly how to use Excel's most useful Date & Time formulas.Knowing these formulas will increase the usefuleness of this amazing tool... Tenfold!!Become an Excel Guru !!Ok, let's attack the date & time functions in Excel. We?ll go over different functions that I?m sure you?ll find useful during your day to day operations.We will cover the following:? Today? Now? Date? Time? Day? Month? year? Hour? Minute? Second? Weekday? Date Value? Time Value? Network Days? Workday? Weeknum

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