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The Ultimate Guide to Pivot Tables and Charts - Master Data Analysis - Buy it now (Master Excel Training)
Category : Application Software

The Ultimate Guide to Pivot Tables and Charts - Master Data Analysis - Buy it now (Master Excel Training)

Price: USD3.97

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From the author of best-selling ?The Excel Answer Book? comes the fastest and easiest method to instantly manage data using Pivot Tables and Charts in Microsoft Excel!!!Sometimes you don?t need an entire course but learning just a few key elements that will make all the different in your workflow and analysis.Listen, if you?re anything like me you find it so frustrating not being able to provide answers immediately. Having data that should be useful but just isn?t because it?s not organized with any logic.Do you PULL YOU?RE HAIR OUT when you see co-workers using Excel like a glorified typewriter??How about watching people key data into a spreadsheet manually, I don?t know about your organization but I?ve never worked anywhere where we could waste time like that.How about seeing someone working in Excel moving at light speed accomplishing more in eleven minutes then you could accomplish all day?Do you ever find yourself asking, ?There has to be a better way?Don't waste another minute, learn these skills and become the Master at Data Analysis and Reporting.After sending some staff to a class we realized that we weren?t getting the benefit we had hoped for, the staff came back with some knowledge but not that real world experience that I needed them to have. Since I was always the ?Go To? guy for Excel questions the senior management team approached me about putting together an in house training program.I knew creating a course would mean more work for me, but after giving it some serious consideration I realized if you want something done right you have to do it yourself. So I agreed and was given the following criteria to develop the training.It had to be:To the pointIn plain EnglishHave real world examples (now I did need to cover the very basics, but what I do is constantly build upon what I just taught until the lessons actually make sense in the real world)Develop a comprehensive manual that the employees can use for immediate referenceAnd with that I had my work

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