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Master The Guitar Fretboard: Learn To Play The Guitar Again the REAL Way - Lead Guitar Lessons For Beginners And Intermediate Players Stuck In A Rut
Category : Instruments & Instruction

Master The Guitar Fretboard: Learn To Play The Guitar Again the REAL Way - Lead Guitar Lessons For Beginners And Intermediate Players Stuck In A Rut

Price: USD7.99

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"Master The Guitar Fretboard: Master The Guitar Fretboard: Learn To Play The Guitar Again the REAL Way" is more than the typical lead guitar method that usually teaches the CAGED method and a few basic hand positions. Now it it's 2nd edition, this comprehensive ebook for aspiring lead guitarists gives you a variety of perspectives on learning your way around the guitar neck. You will learn to hear scales as a collection of colorful tones and to view the patterns they form on the guitar as a series of flowing, interconnected patterns - easy to visualize and useful in practice.A unique strong point is the author's clear presentation of music theory adapted for the guitar. You will learn notes, intervals, chord theory, scale construction (and more) all by having the guitar fretboard under your fingertips as you go. Not confusing classroom theory, but practical, applicable ideas that help you make music.To reinforce what you learn, the author has chosen excerpts from well-known songs and guitar solos, clearly demonstrating how the concepts presented are at work in the examples. This shows you how you can take scales or arpeggios - typically rather boring entities - and turn them into musical ideas and phrases. The author also teaches his variation on the CAGED system, but expanded and improved to be more useful for soloing or rhythm playing. This is then further expanded to work through practical exercises and guitar licks - again showing you how these have been used in noteworthy solos.The final two chapters offer unusual addition value - the author presents both a comprehensive guitar setup chapter (neck, action, stringing, & hardware adjustments) and advice on choosing the best bang-for-your-buck guitars, amps, and effects, as well as creative tips for using guitar effects.There is something in here for you no matter what your skill level - and as we guitarists know, every bit of refreshing advice and every new perspective on the fretboard brings on a flood of new id

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