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Zen Cart 1.5 Responsive Template Creation
Category : Application Software

Zen Cart 1.5 Responsive Template Creation

Price: USD3.99

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The Zen Cart 1.5 Responsive Template Creation book takes you step-by-step through the process of creating a completely new responsive Zen Cart 1.5 template. It assumes that you already know how to install and create a basic Zen Cart site on a server using cPanel, assumes that you are using a Firefox web browser, and assumes you are using a desktop or laptop with Windows based software. No assumption is made about anything else and you do not need any prior coding knowledge as the book takes you line by line through all the required code, teaching you as you progress through the book.The book will explain how to set up a WAMP test site on your own computer and how to install Zen Cart into it. It then takes you step by step through the whole process of creating a brand new responsive template with two sidebars. You will learn how to change the layout and style of your site using HTML, PHP and CSS, and how to make the site display differently on all sizes of screen including phones, tablets and desktops. By the end of the book you will have not only created your own template, but more importantly you will have a good understanding of how all Zen Cart templates are created.This book teaches you to create a whole template from the very beginning. Once you understand how your template has been created you will be able to create further templates with ease.If you?ve never used code before it can be a steep learning curve, but we?ll take you step by step through the whole process in small manageable chunks that will take you to the end result without causing too much anxiety or stress.Firstly, we?ll show you how to set up a WAMP server on your desktop, and install Zen Cart on it. This will give you somewhere to install and test your new template without using a production site.Next, we?ll show you how to plan your basic template structure, with different structures for desktops, tablets and phones. Having decided upon the structure we?ll commence the template building prope

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