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 Self-Publishers Monthly, October-November 2013
Category : Writing & Publishing

Self-Publishers Monthly, October-November 2013

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THIS BOOK IS PART of a SERIES. See the free preview for a list of articles in this month's issue. And please feel free to sample previous issues, also available at affordable prices.In 2013, there has NEVER been a better time to self-publish a book, whether printed or digital -- or both.Last year, 17 of Amazon's top 100 sellers in the UK were self-published. The 'Do-it-Yourself Publishing' (DIYP) boom continues to gain momentum worldwide in 2013.Want the latest unbiased news about DIYP from leading experts such as Stephanie Chandler, Scott Flora, Joel Friedlander, Shel Horowitz, Guy Kawasaki, Florrie Kichler, Dan Poynter, Toni Rakestraw, Justine Schofield, Bob Spear and Rachel Thompson? Reports explaining new technologies, current publicity and marketing methods, and more... plus tips and tricks from bestselling DIYP authors, live links to useful resources and freebies?Pressed for time? Now you can get them all in a single fast and easy read, updated monthly. In today's world, the publishing industry is changing at a furious pace -- sometimes literally from one day to the next. SPM keeps you informed without endless scanning of Web sites, or sifting through zillions of offers from vendors trying to sell you goods and services you may not really need or want.The goals of SPM are simple: to help self-publishing writers create better books (printed and digital), and market them more effectively; to help you avoid outlets that gouge unwary writers for large investments, or foster unrealistic expectations; to keep you abreast of the latest technologies, trends, and new methods that DIY publishers can deploy NOW for greater success in today's ever-changing industry.In a phrase: We don't want to sell you anything except SPM itself. We aren't influenced by advertisers or underwriters. Our expert columnists are on your side, delivering even-handed reports about ALL the options for self-publishing e-Books and tree-Books. We don't favor one printer, e-publishing service or boo

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