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Paul And James! What Not To Copy (From The New Testament And Institutionalized Christianity)
Category : New Testament

Paul And James! What Not To Copy (From The New Testament And Institutionalized Christianity)

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When Paul went to Jerusalem -defying multiple warnings of the Holy Spirit (Acts chapter 21)- and tried to please the elders of the Hebrew Christians led by James, the Lord's brother, it was the beginning of many distortions and misperceptions regarding Jesus' message. Since then, institutionalized Christianity has further compromised for political, material or 'evangelical' advantages."Paul and James, What Not To Copy From The New Testament" points out some of the mistakes and compromises of the Early Christians as recorded in the New Testament. Some of those compromises begun right in Jerusalem, with the Hebrew Christians led by James. Others, sprung up as Christians tried to establish an 'earthly' Kingdom of God.While you read about this hot topic, discover how there are no Christian governments in this world. Jesus said that His "Kingdom is not of this world"... and still isn't and the words of Jesus still stand. So, don't get confused.Lot got confused about it and thought that Sodom wasn't such a bad place after all. Don't make the same mistake regarding the kingdoms of this world, no matter what those kingdoms claim to be in order to get you on their side. Don't follow Lot's bad sample.Learn why Martin Luther opposed the Epistle of James, and insisted that it should be taken out of the New Testament. Was he right?Read also about Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden and how although they were sinless still they were unrighteous. Is that the same that happens to babies, who although are born almost blameless still are born unrighteous? Learn why.And to what church does Jesus go to? Was the Lord a Catholic until Luther came along and then He (Jesus) became a Protestant? Does He discriminate between one group of Christians and another? Learn how Jesus looks mainly at people's hearts more than to which church they belong to, because to Jesus whether we have a 'right' heart is more important than whether we belong to the 'right' church or not... And yet He still makes

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