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 The Legend of Ivar Gunnarsson
Category : Plays & Playwrights

The Legend of Ivar Gunnarsson

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There is no known, written record of Ivar Gunnarsson anywhere in the British Isles, not even on the Isle of Man, nor anywhere else. There is, however, a very rich tradition of centuries, where the name Ivar Gunnarsson, of St. Patrick’s Isle, Mann, passed by word of mouth from generation to generation. And there is no known record of Vilnar Ivarsson either. No one knows exactly, when Vilnar Ivarsson, son of Ivar Gunnarsson and Solveig Hakonarsdóttir, was born, but oral tradition tells us it was on the night of the fiercest storm the Isle of Man has ever seen, a storm which became known as the Storm of Legend. It arose out of the Irish Sea on that night and many times over the succeeding centuries. This is our tale.And soon, Solveig became pregnant with her first child. When the time came for the child to be born, Ivar and Solveig were alone in their hut. During the day and on into the night, a great storm came from the Irish Sea and worsened as the time for the birth grew near. No man before ever saw the likes of such a storm, which came to be known as the Storm of Legend. This was no ordinary storm. And it seemed to Ivar and Solveig that the storm came to claim the newborn, and they feared for the babe.And on that night, the wind screamed and howled. It shrieked, it wailed and roared around the hut, over and through the trees, flinging shards of icy rain, like claws, tearing at the meager building, trying to dislodge it from its place on the Isle. The wind ripped trees from the ground and threw them in the air, and others it snapped in two. The howling wind threw heavy branches and forest floor debris, stones, and rocks and leaves, and sand at the hut. The sea pounded the rocky shore, wave after wave, trying to batter the shore cliffs into collapse.In the hut, on that night, Ivar thought in terror, “What have I done? Why has Loki gathered his henchman to vent rage on me? What have I done?” Ivar believed no other God but Loki could vent such anger. Clouds, charcoal b

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