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Secondary School ?AS-Level ? Core 1 & 2: Maths ? Co-ordinate Geometry and Graphs ? Ages 16-18? eBook
Category : Mathematics

Secondary School ?AS-Level ? Core 1 & 2: Maths ? Co-ordinate Geometry and Graphs ? Ages 16-18? eBook

Price: USD2.99

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This eBook introduces the subjects of co-ordinate geometry and graphs, ranging from finding the equations of the straight-line joining two points for which the co-ordinates are known, to calculating both the mid-point and length of a line between two known co-ordinates to plotting equations of the form y = kxn where n is even or odd for various values of k, as well as y = k?(x) where x is positive as well as cubic equations to plotting graphs of the form y = f(x), y = f(x) + a, y = f(x+a) as well as y = f(ax), to developing the students skills in manipulation through setting a wide range of questions.

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