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 Natural Cures: 200 All Natural Fruit & Veggie Remedies for Weight Loss, Health and Beauty
Category : Alternative & Holistic Medicine

Natural Cures: 200 All Natural Fruit & Veggie Remedies for Weight Loss, Health and Beauty

Price: USD5

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Holistic health by way of natural cures and nutritional healing was how our ancestors used to live, and we are once again returning to this natural living lifestyle. Holistic health through the use of natural remedies and food cures, is not meant to shun modern medicine. Instead, it is a safe and oftentimes harmless first defense against life’s constant barrage of both minor and major threats to our physical, mental and emotional health and well-being.Nutritional healing via food cures, used both internally and externally, is how our bodies are naturally meant to survive and thrive. Our bodies naturally know how to extract and assimilate nutrients and medicinal compounds found in natural foods, vs. synthetically manufactured ones. And, unlike their lab-made counterparts, natural remedies and food cures have far less incidence of side effects. Typically, any side effects realized when using natural remedies, is a result of a food allergy, or irresponsible use by the end user.Here's a sampling of some of the expansive nutritional healing and food cures you'll find inside 'Natural Cures: 200 All-Natural Fruit and Veggie Remedies for Weight Loss, Health and Beauty'.*Find out how to use this vegetable, just once a week, to save a minimum of 18,000 calories in a year.*Find out which fruit enhances libido and sexual experience for both men and women alike, and starts working in just minutes.*Discover this very unique way to use this vegetable, for immediate relief from pain, swelling and itching caused by hemorrhoids.*Learn which vegetables can be used as natural insecticides in the garden, and exactly how to use them.*Find out which food you can eat to thin your blood as effectively as aspirin, but without the dangerous side effects.*Discover which fruit can help reduce IBS symptoms in as little as 30 days.*Find out exactly how to use this fruit to relieve the misery of painful migraines and headaches in just minutes.*Ladies, discover this coveted fruit recipe used in Asi

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