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League of Super Heroes 3: Royal Rumble (Party Game Society)
Category : Comics & Graphic Novels

League of Super Heroes 3: Royal Rumble (Party Game Society)

Price: USD3.99

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The League of Super Heroes HQ is under attack! A Super Hero went missing last night. Looks like someone is out for blood? but who!? Who amongst you has turned from Super Hero to Super Villain?It?s time to suit up and take control of this evil once and for all. The fate of the world is at stake. Will the good guys be victorious in sniffing out the tyrants? Or will the evil Super Villains secret pact be the end of world peace?In League of Super Heroes 3: Royal Rumble, an all-out war has commenced? an all-out RUMBLE. The villains have recruited a vicious new comrade, and the Heroes in a desperate attempt to finish this brawl once and for all? add some very unlikely comical heroes to the force.Special Note: This Party Game is a standalone expansion and includes a full newly updated from the original game manual and also includes the full version of League of Super Heroes 2 plus all new updated character sheets. If you have or intended to purchase this game, it is NOT required that you purchase the original or Enter the FREEZE expansion.

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