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 A Portrait of the Bride: Rebekah
Category : Study

A Portrait of the Bride: Rebekah

Price: USD9.95

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As a prophetic charade set in motion, learn what qualifications you must meet to be chosen as the bride of Christ. In this exhaustive study, Rebecca leads believers to a well of knowledge and understanding of Isaac and Rebekah’s betrothal, and how one simple act of kindness performed by Rebekah determined the fate of a nation. Discover how your actions today will determine your destiny tomorrow.In the exhaustive study, 'A Portrait of the Bride: Rebekah,' the reader will discover how Rebekah came to be chosen as the bride for Isaac. As a hard working, compassionate and beautiful woman from Babylon, she was handpicked by the servant of God to become a partner in being a blessing to all nations as an example of the Bride of Christ. In this exhaustive study, Hebrew teacher, Rebecca Park Totilo leads believers verse by verse through Genesis 24, revealing rich insights and understanding into this incredible bible story. Rebecca will certainly satisfy a thirsty believer's desire for those deeper and hidden truths in God’s word a soul longs for.

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