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101 Autodesk Maya Tips
Category : Application Software

101 Autodesk Maya Tips

Price: USD2.99

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It?s your lucky day! 3D artist and Maya® expert Dave Girard is giving away over 12 years worth of Autodesk® Maya® tips and tricks cheap! As an art director, 3D illustrator, writer, blogger, Maya® tester and efficient-workflow nut, Dave has been in the trenches with Maya® on multiple OS platforms for over 12 years and knows how to make it sing, or at least squawk as little as possible. Whether you?re a Maya® novice, game designer, rigger, visual effects freelancer, or seasoned generalist, 101 Autodesk® Maya® Tips has plenty of information to get you working faster and quickly solving issues that can arise when dealing with this massive program. The included tips are up-to-date and even include some newer features like the Node Editor in Maya® the 2012 Subscription Advantage Pack and the forthcoming Maya® 2013. As an added bonus, 101 Autodesk® Maya® Tips includes free scripts and utilities for use with Maya® on all platforms.

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