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Instant Songwriting: Musical Improv from Dunce to Diva Part 4 (Diva Level)
Category : Instruments & Instruction

Instant Songwriting: Musical Improv from Dunce to Diva Part 4 (Diva Level)

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This is the fourth and final part in the "Instant Songwriting" series - the ultimate how-to guide for musical improvisers and an excellent resource for songwriters. With over two decades of musical improv experience, Nancy Howland Walker guides you with clear, logical and fun step-by-step exercises, from the very basics of putting a song together, to highly advanced song techniques.Whether you are new to the art form or experienced, your songs are improvised or written, or you do this for fun or profit, Instant Songwriting helps you take your song skills to the next level. Musical tracks are included for each exercise ? to accompany you as you practice and master each step along the way.Part 4 gives techniques for your songs to be personal and unique, and teaches you to become a Diva amongst musical improvisers!Now go and become the Songwriting Diva you were meant to be!

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