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I Give My Heart to Children
Category : Educational Theory

I Give My Heart to Children

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the school that precedes the first grade, takes place in the fresh air. it is here that children learn the beauty of the word as it denotes a pine forest, a meadow covered with wildflowers, a river, an apple tree, a grape arbor. the ukrainian educator, vasilii sukhomlinsky, argues that a child must develop a concern for nature before it can develop concern for human beings. one way to develop such concern is for children to learn the joy of cultivating beauty. for sukhomlinsky, it is essential for each child to experience the thrill of growing a rose in all its of sukhomlinsky's main concerns is that school should not destroy the natural flow of childhood. indeed, a school should try to restore childhood to those who have lost it. Above all, children need time to think, and to take in the nuances of the surrounding world, because a child's brain is one of the most sensitive things in all of nature.

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