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What's Gotten into Us?
Category : The Home

What's Gotten into Us?

Price: USD13.99

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What?s Gotten into Us? is a deep, remarkable, and empowering investigation into the threats?biological and environmental?that chemicals now present in our daily lives. Do you know what chemicals are in your shampoo? How about your cosmetics? Do you know what?s in the plastic water bottles you drink from, or the weed killer in your garage, or your children?s pajamas? If you?re like most of us, the answer is probably no. But you also probably figured that most of these products were safe, and that someone?the manufacturers, the government?was looking out for you. The truth might surprise you.After experiencing a health scare of his own, journalist McKay Jenkins set out to discover the truth about toxic chemicals, our alarming levels of exposure, and our government?s utter failure to regulate them effectively. What?s Gotten into Us? reveals how dangerous, and how common, toxins are in the most ordinary things, and in the most familiar of places: ? Our water: Thanks to suburban sprawl and agricultural runoff, 97 percent of our nation?s rivers and streams are now contaminated with everything from herbicides to pharmaceutical drugs. ? Our bodies: High levels of hormone-disrupting chemicals from cosmetics, flame-retardants from clothing and furniture, even long-banned substances like DDT and lead, are consistently showing up in human blood samples.? Our homes: Many toxins lurk beneath our sinks and in our basements, of course, but did you know that they?re also found in wall-to-wall carpeting, plywood, and fabric softeners? ? Our yards: Pesticides, fungicides, even common fertilizers?there are enormous, unseen costs to our national obsession with green, weed-free lawns.  What?s Gotten Into Us? is much more than a wake-up call. It offers numerous practical ways for us to regain some control over our lives, to make our own personal worlds a little less toxic. Inside, you?ll find ideas to help you make informed decisions about the products you buy, and to disentangle yourself

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