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The 2 Oz. Backpacker
Category : Outdoors

The 2 Oz. Backpacker

Price: USD6.99

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This featherweight little book will keep you out of trouble in the wilds by helping you make decisions like a veteran wilderness traveler. It will help you get the most from the food and gear you carry on your back, making your trip safer, more comfortable and, above all, more fun.HOW TO...make quick repairs to packs, boots, tents, beds and stoves...choose and develop a campsite for maximum comfort and with emergencies, storms and other difficulties...treat blisters, hypothermia, sunburn, bleeding, elevation sickness, etc... keep snug, dry, comfortable and warm in heavy weather.PLUS TIPS ON fire building, cooking, water treatment, getting found when lost, hiking, climbing, cross-country and route-finding techniques.From the Trade Paperback edition.

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