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Revolution of Hope
Category : International

Revolution of Hope

Price: USD12.99

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The charismatic former president of Mexico offers a candid and provocative perspective on the state of world affairs. As president of Mexico, Vicente Fox brought true democracy to the country after seven decades of one party rule. Elected as a political outsider with a message of honesty, change, and hope, he is truly a hero of democracy, and this vivid book interweaves his inspiring personal story with his hopeful new vision for the future of the Americas. President Fox candidly reveals the ups and downs of his relationships with world leaders from George W. Bush and Tony Blair to Fidel Castro, Vladimir Putin, and Hugo Chávez. He also speaks out on hot global topics such as immigration, the war in Iraq, racism, the United Nations, free trade, and the moral imperative to heal the global divide between rich and poor nations. Outspoken, impassioned, sincere, and engaging, Vicente Fox embodies a quality that seems all too rare in world politics these days?the moral character of a genuine leader.

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