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Testimony of Light
Category : New Age

Testimony of Light

Price: USD11.99

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For the millions who have enjoyed Proof of Heaven, Heaven is Real, To Heaven and Back, and Getting to Heaven, Testimony of Light is about life after death?and the amazing story of a friendship that endured beyond the veil?published for the first time in the United States. Frances Banks died, as she had lived, fully aware of what she was experiencing and where she hoped to go. Her friend Helen Greaves was by her side as she finally lapsed into unconsciousness. Then, one evening some three weeks after Frances's death, Helen sensed her presence. This extraordinary encounter marked the beginning of contact between them from both sides of the veil?between life as we know it and life on "the other side." Testimony of Light is based on these communications that Helen received telepathically from Frances. The writings have been authenticated by those who knew them both and who were familiar with their individual writing styles. Moving and inspiring, this classic book is a testament to the enduring power of their friendship, and offers an important message to us all?that the death of the body is but a gentle passing to a much freer and fuller life.

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