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 Succeed At Numeracy Tests In A Week: Teach Yourself
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Succeed At Numeracy Tests In A Week: Teach Yourself

Price: USD6.99

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Sunday Computation 1: estimates and checks, calculator techniques, percentages and decimalsMondayComputation 2: fractions, ratios, conversions, ratesTuesdaySequences and similar: looking for patterns; types of sequences; interleaved sequences; sets of related numbers in other layoutsWednesdaySums from stories: getting to the numbers; what sort of calculation? Simplifying into sums.ThursdayReading charts: how to read from X & Y axes; identifying values in series; checking answersFridayData from tables: reading lists and tables; double conversions; intermediate workingsSaturdayTest techniques: timing, pacing, checking. Mixed set of tests

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