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 The Killing Handbook
Category : Humour & Comedy

The Killing Handbook

Price: USD5.99

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Hej! If you've been experiencing an inexplicable longing for rain, long dark nights, and an overwhelming urge to pull on a slightly itchy looking jumper then congratulations - You have Forbrydelsen Fever. There's no need to panic. This is your chance to get inside the world of Sarah Lund: from the characters, the plot holes and the politics to the language, dating the Danish way and the jumpers... So if you've ever wondered who cut the CCTV wire outside Lund's flat in series one, why Morten went so far to protect Troels (TROOOOOOOOOELLLLLLS), where you can start your walking tour of Copenhagen from woods to warehouses and the County Hall or even how you can knit your own Lund jumper - this is the book for you. Emma Kennedy is a superfan and this is her hilarious guide to everything you're going to need to pretend you are Danish, bone up on everything suspicious and transform yourself into Sarah Lund herself.

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