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 The Business Rules
Category : Business Reference

The Business Rules

Price: USD9.99

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The business world is awash with legal pitfalls and opportunities. If you own or run a small-to-medium sized business (with a turnover of up to 10 million) you cannot afford to miss out on this book. Jo Haigh is a business expert who gives presentations to companies on how they can protect themselves - as individuals and as a group - from a range of potentially fatal pitfalls. In this accessible and practical book, she highlights essential - yet very often unknown - business practice to provide valuable insight and guidelines to alert and arm you before you enter the proverbial lion's den of the business world. The Business Rules draws on current legislation and case histories. It covers approximately 80 key topics, divided into sections: Business structure; Funding; Compliance; People and personal liabilities; Management; Tax and accounting; Exiting

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