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Green Careers in Building and Landscaping: Professional and Skilled Jobs
Category : Career Planning & Job Hunting

Green Careers in Building and Landscaping: Professional and Skilled Jobs

Price: USD2.99

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As part of Peterson's Green Careers in Building and Landscaping, this eBook offers detailed information on various careers in the following: building design and construction; installation, operations, & energy-efficiency; commercial, industrial, & residential; landscaping & grooundskeeping; policy, analysis, advocacy & regulatory affairs.You'll also find up-to-date data on job trends, work environment, career paths, earning potential, education/licensure requirements, and contact information for additional resources. Bonus sections include "What Does Being Green Mean," a look at the current interest in sustainability, and "Essays on the Importance of Sustainability," inspirational and insightful essays on the importance of sustainability, written by folks at the forefront of environmental organizations, university sustainability efforts, and college training programs. For more information see Peterson's Green Careers in Building and Landscaping.

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