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The Shy Child
Category : Family & Relationships

The Shy Child

Price: USD9.99

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Good news! Shyness is not a disorder; it's the personality style of 40 percent of all children and young adults. Shyness has its good side: Your child is probably imaginative, perceptive, and thoughtful. Yet shyness can hinder a child's development. This authoritative, interactive guide is the first book to focus on the problems of shyness and provide parents and children with pragmatic, step-by-step solutions. It will help you achieve wonderful results -- stronger, warmer relationships with family and friends, and, most of all, a happy, empowered, less fearful child who looks confidently to the future.Discover: -- The signs of shyness in children, from infancy to adolescence-- How the shy child responds physically and mentally to stress-- How your child's artwork reveals his or her emotions, and how drawing together can reinforce trust and understanding-- Scriptwriting, rewriting, role-playing, and rehearsing -- important tools for the shy child-- Why shy children are so vulnerable to bullies and how best to intervene-- How to teach your child to cope with anxiety-producing situations and more.

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